has given me a "Lovely Blog" award! -She has quite a lovely one herself so be sure to check it out!
Granny recieved the award from:
Part of the pleasure of receiving this award is the opportunity to pass it on to 15 of my favorite blogs, so if you're one of the lucky recipients,
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his/ her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen.
My 15 are :(Be sure to take a moment and visit them!)
1. Not Quite Photo Jen ic
2. Shine you hiney soap Co.
3. Sojourn Curiosities: Lost Things Found
4. HolisticallyHeather
5. Etsy Trade-a-Holics
6. Awesome Chicks of Etsy
7. Dayzee Love Designs
8. Heathen's Hearth
9. Happy Cloud Moments
10. 2kute
11. 27 static 27.......JustBakin'
12. Carvel Country Soapworks
13. Cassia
14. Alvina Abramova Jewelry
15. Oh, I Love That!
Colors of Summer
13 years ago
Oh wow! *blushes* I'm honored! :D