Thursday, May 28, 2009

Soggy Flip-Flops...but I just had to go outside!

It's been raining a lot lately and it's making me feel pretty un-motivated. Today as the baby was taking a nap, I decided to take the oportunity to frolic and take some pictures. My feet got pretty wet, but it was well worth the fresh air! Mother Nature Rocks!

Thanks for the shout out Granny! has given me a "Lovely Blog" award! -She has quite a lovely one herself so be sure to check it out!
Granny recieved the award from:
Part of the pleasure of receiving this award is the opportunity to pass it on to 15 of my favorite blogs, so if you're one of the lucky recipients,
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his/ her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen.

My 15 are :(Be sure to take a moment and visit them!)
1. Not Quite Photo Jen ic
2. Shine you hiney soap Co.
3. Sojourn Curiosities: Lost Things Found
4. HolisticallyHeather
5. Etsy Trade-a-Holics
6. Awesome Chicks of Etsy
7. Dayzee Love Designs
8. Heathen's Hearth
9. Happy Cloud Moments
10. 2kute
11. 27 static 27.......JustBakin'
12. Carvel Country Soapworks
13. Cassia
14. Alvina Abramova Jewelry
15. Oh, I Love That!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

TackedAndShackled is really "switched on"...

In remembrance of Austin Powers....TackledAndShackled is really "switched on baby!"

What I mean is, you should really visit her shop! I've made two purchases and I was impressed each time! I'm a big fan of original works, you know, something you never ever seen before...well that's what you'll find at

The switch plates are super cool, and affordable. Also the use of rice bags as a up-cycled handbag really rocks my socks!

Here are some of my favorite items in her shop right now that I think are really worth checking out!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New masterpieces!

I've been playing around with some ideas I had for new sections of things to offer in the shop. The toe rings have been a hit but it is obvious that once the colder seasons hit, there won't be so much traffic in my shop. I had made knit and crochet stuff before, but I wanted something totally original and the toe rings,so I used some know-how from my experience that I had with the "rock n' roll boho scarf" that I made some time ago. Viola!

I completed this headband, and am working on another of simular concept but thinner in style. Thanks to my lovely mother for modeling for me! I didn't list this for sale yet because I don't have any other pictures so this is a sneak preview!

I'm going to make some bags in this style too! More pictures to come!

Party time!

As I had mentioned last week, we had my son Donnovan's first birthday party last weekend. It went well, and I was very glad for it! Here are some pictures of our extravaganza and froggies in our pond!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Congratulations to Nina, the winner of the toe ring contest!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Here comes the do do do!

It 's been raining all freakn' week so far which leaves me to do little gardening and etsy picture taking but today, ta-da! Finally a mostly sunny day. I decided to take some pics of my garden so far for you all. Also, here's the new toe ring addition!

P.S. Only a couple more days to enter the contest! Get the rears, in gears!

Monday, May 4, 2009


We pushed celebrating Donnovan's 1st birthday party back to this upcoming weekend because other family members already had obligations and I wanted everyone to be there. I am stressing out about the party because we have such a small house, and sooooo many people coming. It will be the first time that we ever had more than 5 people at my house at once. I really hope it doesn't rain, that is going to be horrible. It seems like everyday the forcast changes for saturday too, make up your damn mind weatherman!!!!
Anyway, all this stressing and planning is leaving little time for me to craft and be attached to my etsy shop. I'm feeling a little guilty about planting my ass in front of the computer when there seems to be so much stuff to get done. Maybe I should start drinking more coffee.....that ought to do wonders for my already horrific stomach problems!
Wish me luck this week peeps! Pass the xanax.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Is it sandal season yet?

I've got lots of new toe rings that I'll be listing hopefully, once a day time willing. You need toe rings to show off those little toe-zies during sandal season!! Don't forget to enter my contest for free toe rings by scrolling down to "all those little toes" blog. Here's the newest addition to the toe ring collection.

Have a good day peeps!